Getting Started

Getting Started


All the credentials required for configuring your uploader are set within your S3Uploader account.

Amazon Credentials

Canonical ID

In order for S3Uploader to connect to your Amazon account, your Amazon Canonical ID is required.

You can find information on how to get your Canonical ID on the Amazon AWS website.

Bucket Settings

You also need to specify the bucket that you wish to upload to. You will also need to provide the region for your bucket.

Note: It is recommended that the bucket name you use does not contain dashes, this can cause issues with some endpoints.

A full list of Amazon regions are available on the Amazon AWS website.

Upload Options

You can configure your uploader preferences to only allow certain file types and limit file size.

Allowed File Types

You can specify the file types that your uploader will allow. Simply seperate each file extension by a comma, E.g. jpg, jpeg, png, gif. Or leave blank to allow all files.

Maximum File Size

A maximum file size that the uploader will allow can be set by entering the maximum allowed file size in bytes. E.g. 30000000 (30mb). Or leave as 0 to allow unlimited file size uploads.

Uploader Width

This sets the embedded uploader width in pixels. The default is 400.

Note: The uploaders height automatically updates depending on the number of files being added to it.

File Settings

Headers and Permissions

You can set the ACL value to define the file permission for the uploaded file. By default this is set to public-read.

Amazon S3 supports a set of predefined grants, known as canned ACLs. Each canned ACL has a predefined a set of grantees and permissions. The following table lists the most popular set of canned ACLs and the associated predefined grants.

Canned ACL Permissions added to ACL
private Owner gets FULL_CONTROL. No one else has access rights (default).
public-read Owner gets FULL_CONTROL. The AllUsers group gets READ access.
public-read-write Owner gets FULL_CONTROL. The AllUsers group gets READ and WRITE access.
authenticated-read Owner gets FULL_CONTROL. The AuthenticatedUsers group gets READ access.
bucket-owner-read Object owner gets FULL_CONTROL. Bucket owner gets READ access.
bucket-owner-full-control Both the object owner and the bucket owner get FULL_CONTROL over the object.

A full list of ACL's are available on the Amazon website.

An additional option for uploading is setting a file as an "attachment". This means that when pushed to a browser it is forced as a download instead of being viewed inline. This is set to be TRUE by default.

Other Settings

Filename Prefix

When uploading to Amazon, if a file is uploaded under the same filename it will simply overwrite the old file. By default, to prevent this we prepend each filename with a random 5 character string followed by an underscore. E.g. "abcd1_myfilename.jpg".

If required, the automatic prepended string can be disabled.

Folder Path

If you wish to upload to particular folder within your bucket then you can set the folder config value.